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L'Australie en danger - cours d'anglais
Les cours Lumni - PrimairePars à la découverte de l'Australie avec les profs d'anglais Anna et Anne-Valérie, et découvre ses paysages, ses climats, ses animaux et ses écosystèmes en danger.
Objectifs du cours
- Réviser la météo et les saisons
- Se reperer sur une carte
- Compléter une carte météo
- Découvrir l’Australie : ses climats, paysages et animaux
- Découvrir les écosystèmes en danger
Présenter ses amis en anglais
Jackie is Sam's friend.
Where does she come from? She comes from Australia
Where does she live? She lives in Canberra, the capital city
How old is she? She is 12
What about her family? She has a brother
What about her pets? She has a dog
Les saisons
Spring : printemps
In France : March, April, May
In Australia : September, October, November
Summer : été
In France : June, July, August
In Australia : December, January, February
Autumn : automne
In France : September, October, November
In Australia : March, April, May
Winter : hiver
In France : December, January, February
In Australia : June, July, August
Découvre l’Australie
The Australian flag is composed of the Union Jack, symbol of the United Kingdom. It means Australia is part of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is an association of 54 countries speaking English.
The flag has also a constellation and a big white star with 7 branches. It represents the 7 regions
Australian has 7 regions. It is an island surrounded by Indian ocean and Pacific Ocean. The capital city is Canberra
La météo et la température
What will be the weather today ?
Sunny : ensoleillé
Raining : pluvieux
Stormy : orageux
Windy : venteux
Cloudy : nuageux
Foggy : brumeux
Snowing: neigeux (rare in Australia)
0° : it’s freezing !
10° : it’s cold
20° : it’s cool
30° : it’s warm
40° : it’s hot !
Les animaux en Australie
Koala and kangaroo (the symbols of Australia)
Dingo (wild dog)
Kookabura (little bird)
Wombat (big marmot)
Cassowary (tall bird)
Echidna (a spiky mouse)
Les dangers en Australie
Animals in Australia are in danger. The species are disappearing.
Why are they disappearing ?
The temperature is getting higher and higher and causes fires.
There are more and more rains that cause floods.
In the ocean, the great coral reef is endangered because the temperature of the water is rising up and is more and more polluted.
Réalisateur : Didier Fraisse
Producteur : France tv studio
Année de copyright : 2020
Année de production : 2020
Année de diffusion : 2020
Publié le 30/07/20
Modifié le 15/01/24
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