Native American Indian totem poles are sculptures carved on poles made from huge trees. The word totem comes from the Native dialect "odoodem", meaning family group.
Totem poles are the cultural heritage of the Native peoples in the islands and coastal areas of North America's Pacific Northwest, especially British Columbia in Canada.
On the totems, there are different creatures with human characteristics. On utilise There are pour traduire « il y a » devant un nom pluriel (creatures).
On utilise le superlatif pour dire qu'un élément est supérieur aux autres (le plus fort). Strong est un adjectif court (une seule syllabe). Il devient donc the strongest.
Totem poles were not meant to be religious emblems. It can be used to commemorate marriage, birth and death but has no religious connotation.
North American people have a certain relationship with the cedar tree. It reconnects them with their ancestors, with their story, with their identity.
Crafting is a traditional activity for North American tribes. They craft totem poles from of cedar trees. Crafting is still a central part of their lives.
Le mot interrogatif how possède plusieurs dérivés. Pour interroger sur la longueur dans le temps (combien de temps), on utilise how long.
How long can cedar trees live? They can live between 100 and 300 years! That's amazing!
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Les premières nations d'Amérique du Nord
On connaît ces peuples anciens, natifs d'Amérique du Nord, notamment pour leurs traditions ancestrales et notamment leur art très ancien qui consiste à sculpter des totems. Ces sculptures magnifiques ne sont pas seulement de l'art décoratif. Sais-tu à quoi ils servaient ?