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Hollywood - Culture et connaissance en anglais
Let's go Lumni!Buddy raconte la naissance et l'histoire d'Hollywood à Maéva. Ce quartier de Los Angeles, en Californie, où s'est développée l'industrie cinématographique américaine, au début du XXe siècle.
Hollywood, centre historique des studios de cinéma
- Maéva : Non mais quand même, on peut dire ce qu’on veut, mais… les films américains, quoi !
- Buddy : I have to admit Hollywood movies are quite impressive.
- Maéva : Do you know why Hollywood is such an important city in the movie industry?
- Buddy : Hollywood was created at the end of the 19th century in the neighborhood of Los Angeles, California.
- Maéva : And what does this name mean? Hollywood? Le bois sacré ?
- Buddy : No, it would have been « Holy Wood!. Here it’s “Holly », with two L.
- Maéva : Which means?
- Budd y: Holly is a plant, with spiky leaves and red berries.
- Maéva : Ah c’est du houx ! Hollywood, c’est une ville construite dans une forêt de houx ?
- Buddy : One of the creators of Hollywood said : « I chose the name Hollywood simply because it sounds nice ».
- Maéva : Ok, why not.
- Buddy : « and because I’m superstitious and holly brings good luck. »
- Maéva : I’m not sure you feel very lucky when you touch the spiky leaves, but ok...
- Buddy : And it remained a small city until the beginning of the 20th century, when Los Angeles became the capital of the film industry in the United States. Low land prices made Hollywood a good place to establish film studios and the first one was built in 1911.
- Maéva : And I guess after the first one there was another one, then another one...
- Buddy : Exactly. In 1923 the big sign on top of the hills was erected, reading « Hollywoodland ».
- Maéva : Are you sure? I’m quite certain it only reads “Hollywood”...
- Buddy : The “land” part was removed a few years later. And quickly, Hollywood became the most important place in the movie industry.
- Maéva : At the beginning they were silent, right?
- Buddy : Sure, there was no sound, no music. Then only music, as in the Chaplin movies. And in 1927, the “Jazz singer” was the first movie to have synchronized sound.
- Maéva : And then?
- Buddy : And then it was the Golden Age of Hollywood with world-famous stars like Jack Nicholson, Marilyn Monroe, Clint Eastwood…
- Maéva : And then?
- Buddy : Then in the seventies there was the New Hollywood with Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas...
- Maéva : And then?
- Buddy : And now, a century after its creation, Hollywood remains the symbol of the movie industry, producing dozens of blockbusters every year, including… the one we are currently watching.
- Maéva : Cool ! N’empêche qu’en France aussi on sait aussi faire des bonnes vidéos. Tu connais Lumni ?
Hollywood en quelques mots de vocabulaire
- The neighborhood of Los Angeles : le voisinage de Los Angeles
- Spiky leaves : des feuilles piquantes
- A sign : un panneau
- A silent movie : un film muet
- The Golden Age of Hollywood : l'âge d'or d'Hollywood
- The seventies : les années 1970
- A century : un siècle
En savoir plus sur le cinéma et retrouve tous les épisodes de Let's go Lumni!
Réalisateur : Benjamin Valière
Producteur : France TV studio / Goldenia Studios
Année de copyright : 2021
Année de production : 2021
Année de diffusion : 2021
Publié le 18/10/21
Modifié le 15/01/24
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