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Anglais03:27Publié le 18/10/2021

Black Friday - Culture et connaissance en anglais

Let's go Lumni!

Le Black Friday, c'est la gigantesque opération commerciale des Etats-Unis du mois de novembre. Née dans les années 1950, elle est organisée le vendredi qui suit le jeudi de . Black Friday, Black Saturday et Cyber Monday n'ont pas de secret pour Buddy.

Tout savoir sur les bons plans et les promotions de fin d'année

- Maéva : Hmm… Est-ce que je l’achète maintenant, ou est-ce que j’attends le Black Friday ?

- Buddy : Black Friday? Hey! That’s an American thing!

- Maéva : Euh, ça existe aussi en France, je te signale.

- Buddy : Yes, but in France it only started in 2013. In America, it’s been a tradition for decades!

- Maéva : By the way, why is it a Friday?

- Buddy : Because it’s the day after Thursday.

- Maéva : Ok, this is really helpful…

- Buddy : But not any Thursday. A very special Thursday...

- Maéva : Thanksgiving?

- Buddy : Well done! As you know, Thanksgiving is a very important day in the United States, celebrated with many parades in the streets. And the parade usually ends with the appearance of Santa Claus…

- Maéva : Yeah, that makes sense, since Thanksgiving is at the end of November, a month before Christmas.

- Buddy : That’s it ! The next major bank holiday following Thanksgiving is Christmas.

- Maéva : The next what?

- Buddy : The next major bank holiday. Un jour férié, si tu préfères.

- Maéva : Ah ok !

- Buddy : And usually people start buying gifts at this time of the year. So in a way, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

- Maéva : I see. Thanksgiving is on a Thursday, but it’s a bank holiday which means most shops are closed.

- Buddy : You’re right.

- Maéva : So the beginning of the shopping season is the following day : Friday! But why is it called Black?

- Buddy : Because it’s the busiest shopping day of the year. Cities are overcrowded, road traffic is very dense. Many stores offer great sales so everyone rushes to get the best deal.

- Maéva : Does that last only one day?

- Buddy : No, it’s just the beginning : it starts very early on Friday, sometimes as soon as midnight.

- Maéva : Do stores really open at midnight?

- Buddy : Yeah, I know it’s strange. And after Black Friday comes Black Saturday, of course, then it’s Sunday, stores are closed, then comes…

- Maéva : Black Monday?

- Buddy : No. Cyber Monday!

- Maéva : What’s that?

- Buddy : Many consumers, who were too busy to shop over the Thanksgiving weekend or did not find what they were looking for, shop online that Monday from home or work.

- Maéva : Eh, that’s a cool idea. So maybe I’ll wait for Cyber Monday to buy this item.

- Buddy : Do you know that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are only in 6 months ? Is the item you want so expensive?

- Maéva : It’s a cable for my phone. The price is 2 euros, but maybe I can get it for only one euro! Eh ouais, tu vois y a pas de petites économies !

Quelques mots de vocabulaire autour du Black Friday

  • Santa Claus : le Père Noël
  • Gifts : des cadeaux
  • A bank holiday : un jour férié
  • Overcrowded :  envahi par la foule
  • Road traffic : la circulation routière
  • Sales : les soldes
  • To rush to get the best deal : se précipiter pour faire la meilleure affaire

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Réalisateur : Benjamin Valière

Producteur : France TV studio / Goldenia Studios

Année de copyright : 2021

Année de production : 2021

Année de diffusion : 2021

Publié le 18/10/21

Modifié le 12/01/24

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