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Anglais02:11Publié le 24/01/2019

At the diner (2/2) - Dialogue en anglais

The Twins' Podcast

Enrichis ton vocabulaire en anglais avec Jessie au dîner ! (texte en anglais)

Jessie: Let's eat!... Hi! Do you serve breakfast all day?

Kyle: Sure. Just flip the menu over…

Jessie: Alright… I see… Ok.

Kyle: OK. Let me know when you're ready. Most diners in the US serve breakfast all day long. Isn’t that cool? Are you ready to order?

Jessie: Yeah… I’m gonna have the omelette and a side of bacon, and some orange juice, please.

Kyle: White or rye toast?

Jessie: Umm… Rye.

Kyle: Ok. Will that be all?

Jessie: Yeah, for now.

Kyle: Alright. I’ll be back with your order asap. A.S.A.P. means ''as soon as possible''. Was everything okay?

Jessie: Yeah, t'was great, thanks.

Kyle: Care for anything else?

Jessie: Erm… Actually, could you bring me a couple of donuts and a cup of coffee? Oh, and the check as well please. Thank you.

Kyle: Here you go.

Jessie: So, let's see…what’s the damage?... Ok. So 15.50. With the tip, that 's 17.50. So I’m leaving him a tip, which is a little extra money, for the service, because 1. He was nice. And 2. That’s just how we do things here in the US… But let's get down to more important business. The donuts. I'm such a fan of donuts!

Kyle: Me too!

Producteur : Éditions Didier

Année de copyright : 2014

Publié le 24/01/19

Modifié le 04/12/24

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