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Anglais30:51Publié le 17/06/2020

Avoir une écriture créative - cours d'anglais

Les cours Lumni - Lycée

Dans ce cours, les professeurs d'anglais Mélanie et Laurent proposent de s'exercer à l'écriture avec l'aide de David Gaffney et James Mark Miller, des auteurs de micro-fiction, des histoires ne dépassant pas les 150 mots.

Retrouvez le en PDF.

Conseils pour écrire une micro-fiction (texte en anglais)

How can we write flash fiction?

  • Think about the premise of your story and then develop it into a plot. To do this: start with the end!
  • Focus on what the reader really needs to know about the character. Do not include too much description.
  • Create gaps that the reader will be able to fill.
  • Do not make the story too practical. Keep some poetic or figurative language.

 What makes this story effective ?

  • It starts in medias res.
  • The focus is on the actions & emotions;
  • The verbs in the simple past move the story forward.
  • Short sentences and frequent line breaks increase the suspense.
  • The familiarity of the situation makes it relatable.
  • The repeated use of the  definite article "the" increases the reader’s allegiance.
  • There are gaps for the reader to fill.
  • The external narrator is omniscient.
  • The writer plays with the reader’s expectations.

Exercice d'écriture en anglais (texte en anglais)

Writing workshop

He awoke in the night…

Use this opening line to write your own text

Step 1

Think about your ending

Step 2

Think about how you are going to get there: PLAN YOUR STORY

  • Choose a tone, the characters and the narrative voice, the next actions.
  • Introduce a problem.
  • Remember your ending.

Step 3

Start writing: CHOOSE YOUR WORDS

  • Picture the scene in your mind.
  • Mind your conjugation (preterite or past prefect).
  • Use precise words.

Step 4

Give a voice to your character through direct speech / indirech speech

  • Mind the punctuation.
  • Choose the right speech verbs / BE + ING to provide an explanation about an action.
  • Let the narrator speak for the character.

Step 5

Play with the reader’s expectations

  • Introduce a reveal

Step 6

End the story: surprise the reader

  • Let the reader reconsider the whole story & make their own interpretation.
  • Start a new line to increase the surprise.

Share your stories on Twitter & Instagram avec #flashfiction ou #englishfiction

Réalisateur : Didier Fraisse

Producteur : France tv studio

Année de copyright : 2020

Année de production : 2020

Année de diffusion : 2020

Publié le 17/06/20

Modifié le 12/01/24

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