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For a gift! - Dialogue en anglais
The Twins' PodcastAcheter un cadeau avec Kyle ! (texte en anglais)
Kyle: Excuse me… Hi… Hello!
Jessie: Oh! Hi! Hi!
Kyle: Could you help me please?
Jessie: Yeah! Sure! No problem! What are you looking for?
Kyle: Er… A polo shirt… I think.
Jessie: Ok, so is this for you or is it a gift?
Kyle: No… It's for my younger brother. He's fourteen.
Jessie: All right, well… What colors does he like?
Kyle: Well, er… I don't know… he likes… orange… maybe?
Jessie: Not orange! Kyle… he is fourteen years old! Be realistic!
Kyle: Ok, ask me the question again…
Jessie: Ok, Oooh! Ok! What colors does he like?
Kyle: Blue, he likes blue… and grey, he likes grey too!
Jessie: Um… I think we have something! Uhh! Look at this…
Kyle: Oh no no no no no… He hates stripes…
Jessie: Ok… Erm… How about something like this, with a…, with a logo on it?
Kyle: Yeah, this one's not bad.
Jessie: Yeah!
Kyle: Oh but it's way too small…
Jessie: Ok, no problem, we have bigger sizes. This one is an S, so it's small… I'm sure we have a Medium… Yeah! Something like that? How's that? Is that ok?
Kyle: Yeah, this one looks fine… How much is it?
Jessie: $12.95.
Kyle: Oh! Great, thanks, I'll take it.
Jessie: Ok, excellent I will wrap this in a gift box for you! It's this way!
Kyle: Thank you!
Producteur : Éditions Didier
Année de copyright : 2014
Publié le 24/01/19
Modifié le 15/01/24
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