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Fight for fun - Introduction - Dialogue en anglais
The Twins' PodcastJasmine et Tom nous explique l'art de la dispute (texte en anglais)
Jasmine: Hello, I'm Jasmine.
Tom: And I'm Tom.
Jasmine: And you’re watching the Twins' podcast…
Tom: Today, we’re going to fight!
Jasmine: Well, no Tom… we're not actually going to fight. We're going to show you how to argue, which is really useful!
Tom: Because arguing often happens! We argue all the time...
Jasmine: I wonder why...
Tom: This is gonna be fun... Fights for fun! We’ve invited our friends from all over the world…
Jasmine: Stacey…
Stacey: Hi!
Jasmine: And Cheryl...
Cheryl: Hi!
Tom: And my friends Kyle and Liam!
Kyle: Hi everybody! Oh… Liam is late again.
Tom: As usual... Oh well, are you ready?
Jasmine, Tom, Stacey, Kyle & Cheryl: It’s...the Twins' podcast!
Fed up with someone who's late, who always forgets events, who is always greedy or breaks every somenone else's thing ? Let's see how the Twins' podcast and their friends argue each other.
Producteur : Éditions Didier
Année de copyright : 2014
Année de production : 2014
Publié le 29/01/19
Modifié le 15/01/24
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