In a timetable, you can find the days, the periods and the subjects you study. It helps you remember which class you need to go to!
IT means Information (and communication) Technology. In this class you learn how to use a computer, do a research on the internet... It's a lot of fun if you like computers!
PE means Physical Education. In this class you practice sports such as basketball, football but also less well-known sport like lacrosse or netball! Do you know them?
The school day often starts with assembly. During assembly, the pupils, the teachers and the headmaster are reunited in a large hall. The headmaster and the teachers give important information about the school.
Indeed! English pupils are very jealous of you! In France, some pupils can stay at home on Wednesdays, but in Great-Britain they must go to school the entire day!
In Great-Britain, secondary school starts at Year 7. Then you go to Year 8, 9, 10, 11. You see, the numbers go up! They count the number of years they have already done! In France, the numbers go down because we count the number of years left.
Dans le cas d'un emploi du temps, les cours se produisent tous LES lundis. En anglais, il faut donc utiliser le pluriel. N'oublie pas, il faut utiliser la préposition ON devant les jours et AT devant les heures !
L'uniforme est une obligation pour les élèves anglais. Il faut donc utiliser l'auxiliaire de modalité MUST. They must wear a uniform. They MUSTN'T wear T-shirts (c'est une interdiction)!
In Great-Britain, pupils can't wear jeans! It's impossible! The uniform is composed of a blazer, a shirt, trousers for boys and a skirt for girls, a tie, and socks.
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L'école en Grande-Bretagne
En Grande-Bretagne aussi, les élèves vont à l'école : ils y apprennent les mathématiques, les sciences, l'histoire. S'il y a beaucoup de similarités avec notre sytème scolaire, il y a cependant aussi des différences. Parmi elles, on peut citer les emplois du temps et l'uniforme. Connais-tu bien les caractéristiques du système scolaire britannique ? Fais le quiz !