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Anglais01:23Publié le 24/01/2019

Hi! I'm Tom - Dialogue en anglais

The Twins' Podcast

Qui est Tom des Twins' Podcast ? (texte en anglais)

Hi, I’m Tom. Tom is short for Thomas. I’m 23 years old. And I come from Yorkshire. And I was born in Leeds. My birthday is the 22nd of March. Please mark that on your calenders and diaries… I like presents and birthday cakes.
I now live in London, and I go to a musical theatre school… I can sing. I can dance, of course. I can act: To be or not to be… I have a pet dog, and I love him! Erm… what else can I say? I'm a great badminton player… I'm also a big fan of '60s and '70s rock music… And I enjoy listening to old records with my friends on saturday nights. That's all folks!

Producteur : Éditions Didier

Année de copyright : 2014

Publié le 24/01/19

Modifié le 04/12/24

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